Chapter 12 DiSTATIS
12.1 Description
DISTATIS is a new method that can be used to compare algorithms when their outputs consist of distance matrices computed on the same set of objects. The method first evaluates the similarity between algorithms using a coefficient called the RV coefficient. From this analysis, a compromise matrix is computed which represents the best aggregate of the original matrices. In order to evaluate the differences between algorithms, the original distance matrices are then projected onto the compromise. The goal of DISTATIS is to analyze a set of distance matrices. In order to compare distance matrices, DISTATIS combines them into a common structure called a compromise and then projects the original distance matrices onto this compromise.
12.2 Dataset - Pianists for Composers
## [1] Bootstrap On Factor Scores. Iterations #:
## [2] 1000
12.3 SCREE Plot - RV-MAT
12.4 Plotting Assessor Matrix
12.4.1 ConvexHull
12.5 SCREE Plot - SV-MAT
12.6 I Set
12.7 Cluster Analysis (K-Means)
12.8 Cluster Analysis (hclust)
12.9 Cluster Analysis (Hartigan’s Rule)
## Clusters Hartigan AddCluster
## 1 2 25.830051 TRUE
## 2 3 23.429672 TRUE
## 3 4 14.998705 TRUE
## 4 5 7.042848 FALSE